2019 Officers
Mayur Bansal
Chair and Finance Director
Mayur is majoring in Biochemistry. As Chair, he is responsible for all of the Directors and their subcommittees. Mayur also runs all the meetings and oversees subcommittee projects. As Finance Director, he is the link between EIC and our bank account. He organizes fundraisers (e.g. profit shares) and is responsible for managing our budget.
Leila Kaissi
Media and Recruitment Director
​Leila is majoring in Environmental Studies. As media director, Leila is in charge of running our social media pages and website. She is also in charge of recruitment and works to make our MSC Open House table the best it can be!
Samantha Beacham
Outreach Director
Samantha is majoring in Pre-Nursing and is in charge of our off-campus events, including semester trips like our Galveston beach clean-up in the spring. She and her subcommittee organize semesterly outreach activities that focus on raising environmental awareness in our community.
Adam Dixon
Programming Director
Adam is majoring in Business Management. Through his subcommittee, he actively educates Texas A&M's student body on environmental and sustainable issues. Their most common method is tabling events, with Earth Day being their biggest tabling event of the year.
Patrick Schroeder
SGA & Campus Politics Director
As Director of our newest subcommittee, Patrick is our lead networker. He is effectively the liaison between EIC and the rest of Texas A&M's Student Government Association.